Monday, February 1, 2010

The start of it all

This is where it all started, Britney's 21st birthday. We all headed to Charlotte NC, to a placed called the epiCentre. They have some great if not a tad over priced bars, but there was something awesomely fun with the appetizer hopping, and yea it probably helped that there were only four of us, but non-the-less fun times by all. To start the night off, and the obvious you can't get carded on your first drink experience we all experience. Chad and Britney had some appetizer, and me and Kit ordered our own. Yet the experience that started it all was this odd combination. Yuengling orginal (pronounced Yea-ga-ling) which is a mild Lager and recognizable because of the green bottle. It has to be one of my go-to if I really don't feel like exploring or not in the mood for a pale ale or something rife unique flavors, not that Yuengling is lacking at all. Yet a tiramisu like desert that was a "birthday favor" that the indochina restaurant gave us the idea for us. Thought it was nothing more than tiramisu and a lager it was a great combo that I encourage you all to try


1 comment:

  1. Glad you brought this up, Nathan. I think I was also drinking a lager, I want to say that it was Tiger Lager and I think the dessert was described as mocha cake. The combination with the sweet dessert was unexpectedly pleasing and inspired the idea for this blog.
