Friday, February 5, 2010

Superbowl Weekend

So Superbowl weekend is coming up. I also have a friend's birthday gathering coming up today. Events like this tend have food heavy in greasy meats and fatty cheeses. I prefer India Pale Ales to cut through and refresh the palate with foods like this. New Belgium has a new beer, Ranger IPA, that I am planning to pick up today to drink this weekend. I'll make notes of how it pairs with party food throughout the weekend.

Whether you like hoppy, bitter beers or not, don't fall back on a macro beer like Bud, Miller, or Coors for Sunday. Craft beers are much higher quality and more flavorful than those from macro brewers, who use brew with adjuncts like corn and rice to save money. If you don't like hoppy beers try a white ale (wheat beer) from a craft or Eurpoean brewer (like the classic Hoegaarden) or try a German-style Bock or Pilsener from a craft brewer or European brewery. These beers will be refreshing and not too heavy (more "drinkable"), but much tastier than a macro brew like Bud.

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